Save the Children at Consultancy to Conduct Gender Analysis

 Employment Nigeria 25-Mar-2016 CROSS RIVER , LAGOS , KANO , Customer Service  

Save the Children is a leading international organization helping children in need around the world. First established in the UK in 1919, separate national organizations have been set up in more than twenty-eight countries, sharing the aim of improving the lives of children through education, health care and economic opportunities, as well as emergency aid in cases of natural disasters, war and conflict.

In Nigeria, Save the Children has been working since 2001. The early focus was on getting children actively involved in shaping the decisions that affect their lives. Today, Save the Children is working in seven federal states - Zamfara, Yobe, Jigawa, Katsina, Kano, Bauchi and Kaduna - focusing on providing basic healthcare and protecting children.

Job Title: Consultancy to Conduct Gender Analysis 

Gender inequality and gender norms are closely linked to the epidemic control of HIV/AIDS. They also have impact on access to community HIV prevention and care and support. Therefore, it is imperative for community Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program to evaluate the impact of gender norms and gender inequality in the community by conducting gender analysis.

Gender analysis in the context of PEPFAR focuses on the socio-cultural gender norms, inequities, and inequalities that put people at risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV, their ability to access HIV services, and efforts to achieve epidemic control. This includes: (a) access to and control over resources; (b) access to and utilization of HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support; and (c) differences in power among and between women, men, girls, boys, and gender and sexual minorities, as well as subgroups of these populations.


The purpose of the gender analysis is to review key gender issues and gender-based constraints in Lagos, Cross – River and Kano State, and offer conclusions and recommendations to strengthen the PEPFAR response in the States.
The STEER team will work with a consultant as well as CSOs in those States to conduct the analysis and develop the required deliverables.

The analysis will address the following objectives:

To identify the gender-based constraints to, and opportunities for, equitable access and participation in STEER programs and services.
To identify strategies and approaches that STEER can use to improve its programs to promote gender equality and improve the well-being of women, men, girls and boys.
To provide key recommendations that identifies and prioritizes how STEER can integrate the PEPFAR gender strategies into existing programs and strategies.
To conduct gender training for STEER staff, CSOs and project community volunteer.

In order to reduce vulnerabilities that put people at risk of HIV infection, as well as mitigating factors of the disease, PEPFAR has outlined five key gender strategies:

Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs and services, including reproductive health
Preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV)
Engaging men and boys
Increasing women and girls’ legal rights and protection
Increasing women and girls’ access to income and productive resources, including education

Approaches and Tasks
The various approaches that will be utilized for tasks to be completed during the gender analysis are as follows:

Conduct a comprehensive literature review of pertinent documents, analysis, assessments, studies and reports including those conducted by the Government of Nigeria, PEPFAR (USAID, CDC, Peace Corps, and DOD), academic institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs).
A formative meeting of STEER team will be held to:

Share background, experience, and expectations for the assignment
Formulate a common understanding of the assignment, clarifying team members’ roles and responsibilities
Agree on the objectives and desired outcomes of the assignment
Establish a team atmosphere, share individual work styles, and agree on procedures for resolving differences of opinion
Discuss initial findings from literature review
Review and finalize data collection tools and methodology
Finalize work plan and schedule, and strategy for achieving deliverables
Review and finalize draft report outline

Hold in-brief meetings with STEER State team and CSOs to review the objectives of the gender analysis, scope of work, work plan and calendar, and finalize logistics.
Visit STEER project sites and community-based organizations in order to gain insight into project activities.
Collate and analyse data collected during key informant interviews, program site visits, and literature review.
Debrief STEER team on key findings and recommendations of the gender analysis.
Prepare draft and final reports.

The following deliverables are expected from this SOW:

Written methodology, work plan, schedule and draft report outline.
List of documents consulted for the literature review.
A list of sites/organizations/institutions visited and individuals and groups interviewed.
A debrief meeting for the STEER team and prior to the submission of the draft report. A PowerPoint presentation will be prepared for the meeting.
A draft report addressing key findings, conclusions, recommendations shall be submitted within one week of the completion of the analysis.
A final report shall be submitted by the consultant 5 (five) days from the date of receipt of STEER team feedback on the draft report.

The STEER State team will:

Arrange in-state transportation logistics and set up meetings with Government representatives, implementing partners, and civil society.

The STEER team will supply the following documents to the consultant once the SOW is approved:

PEPFAR Country Strategy
Recent (i.e. within the past five years) DHS or other epidemiological data or assessments of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
National laws, regulations, and policies on women, gender and/or gender-based violence
Any other recommended reports that look at issues of gender (in)equality, women’s and girl’s empowerment, and MARPS (female sex workers, transgender, and MSM)
Summary of other donor-funded report of gender analysis done in Nigeria

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