Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - CRS works through local church and non-church partners to implement its programs, therefore, strengthening and building the capacity of these partner organizations is fundamental to programs in every country in which CRS operates. CRS re-established presence in Nigeria in 2000 and currently focuses on agriculture, health and emergency programming.

POSITION : M&E Specialist 

CRS has a long and rich history of collaboration with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). Since 2003, CRS has been awarded over $290 million in Global Fund resources to implement programs in 27 countries. In Nigeria, CRS is a sub-recipient (SR) on the Global Fund HIV and Malaria grants and will assume the role of principal recipient (PR) for the Global Fund Malaria grant starting January 2017. As PR, CRS will partner with the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP), various state governments and malaria partners and stakeholders to coordinate the 2017 long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLIN) mass campaigns in 7 states.  CRS will also manage and oversee SRs to deliver a range of malaria treatment and prevention services at the state level.

Job Summary

  • The position of M&E Specialist will oversee all M&E activities for the program within the designated state, ensuring quality and timeliness of data collection and reporting.
  • S/he will provide technical oversight and guidance to strengthen state-level M&E systems, ensuring proper orientation and quality supervision to CRS sub-recipient M&E staff and M&E units in the State Ministries of Health.
  • The M&E Specialist will be responsible for tracking achievement on indicators at the state level and advise on solutions for continuous improvement. S/he should have the ability to work sensitively and positively with program staff and promote a learning environment. 
  • The M&E Specialist is expected to have a high level of self-initiative and use critical thinking skills to identify and fill gaps. 

Specific Job Responsibilities

  • Ensure collection of high-quality reliable and timely data to monitor program activities and evaluate progress towards achievement of program objectives and state targets.
  • Support development of M&E plans and procedures. Ensure plans are adhered to and in line with national and state M&E strategies, health information management systems, and tools.
  • Collaborate with sub-recipients and State Ministry of Health’s SMEP and HMIS Units to strengthen processes for data collection, aggregation, reporting and analysis through the NHMIS; support and strengthen use of the DHIS2.0 platform at state- and LGA-levels.
  • Support M&E counterparts at the state-level in strategically preparing and reviewing M&E calendars and work plans.
  • Ensure that the program is in compliance with CRS’ MEAL Policies and Procedures and strategic initiatives.
  • Support elaboration of Program Update/Disbursement Requests (PU/DR) in collaboration with other program and M&E staff.
  • Coordinate regular data quality audits (DQAs) to ensure the integrity of project data, using the DHIS data and other relevant tools.
  • Conduct regular field monitoring and supervisory visits with program teams, SRs and government partners to provide mentoring and supportive supervision.
  • Organize and undertake M&E capacity building activities such as trainings, workshops and other visits for learning for SR, State and LGA Ministry of Health M&E staff.
  • Work with ICT4D staff to incorporate and maximize the value and utility of technologies for M&E.

Program Management:

  • Support SMoH staff with coordinating program management activities, by ensuring that the recommended coordination meetings hold at the LGA and state levels.
  • Participate in regular monitoring and supervisory visits to the GF-supported health facilities, and ensure that action plans are developed for identified gaps.
  • Support health facilities with ensuring that all items in the action plans are addressed and all outstanding gaps are closed.


  • Support programming staff to engage key populations in monitoring and evaluating program’s performance and to incorporate participatory methods into M&E systems.
  • Orient program staff and partners on the basic principles and practices of beneficiary accountability.
  • Support the development and implementation of feedback and response channels to reflect the preferences of community members and beneficiaries.
  • Ensure that beneficiary feedback is adequately documented, addressed, analyzed, and utilized by program teams.

Knowledge Management and Learning:

  • Ensure that state M&E and program teams regularly review and accordingly adjust M&E plans and tools in the light of changes and needs in the field context based on monitoring data and reflection sessions.
  • Support learning-to-action events and reflection sessions to systematically analyze data for programmatic use, and to document and incorporate lessons learned into program design and implementation.
  • Conduct regular data review and analysis for feedback to states and SRs for program improvement, and for updates to national level (CRS and government).
  • Support program staff in key activities including development of a learning agenda, organizing regular learning events, supporting operations research, and reflecting, documentation, and communication of learning initiatives.
  • Actively participate in the M&E Community of Practice with other CRS, SR and government M&E staff.
  • Support knowledge management systems and practices to gather, document and share best practices with SRs, government and technical partners. Collaborate with M&E and program staff to develop learning briefs, project bulletins and other materials for dissemination.
  • Promote adoption of the best practices in knowledge management by other SRs and government partners.


  • Liaise with technical counterparts in the State Ministry of Health, SRs, and other local stakeholders engaged in malaria activities in Nigeria.
  • Represent CRS at relevant technical working groups, sectoral meetings and coordination forums within the state.

Key Working Relationships:

  • Internal: Global Fund Malaria Program Team, Deputy Country Representative, Country Representative, Head of Operations, Finance, Procurement and Administration Staff, Regional and Senior Technical Advisors, Deputy Regional Directors for PQ and MQ
  • External: State Ministries of Health (SMOH), SRs, Technical and Financial Partners, partner health facilities

Agency Wide Competences (for all CRS staff):

  • These are rooted in the mission, values, and guiding principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and achieve the desired results.
    • Serves with Integrity
    • Models Stewardship
    • Cultivates Constructive Relationships
    • Promotes Learning

Qualifications and Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in a field related to Public Health, International Development, or Social Sciences.
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluating health programs in an African country
  • At least 2 years’ experience in provision of technical advisory services or consultancies working with government partners
  • Knowledge of national health management information systems, strategies and tools in Nigeria; familiarity with DHIS2.0 platform is required
  • Demonstrated experience with collection/analysis of epidemiological data
  • Understanding of principles and current approaches to M&E for health programming, including knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Experience with participatory and community-based M&E systems
  • Familiarity with beneficiary accountability mechanisms
  • Proficiency in database development/management, and skills in analyzing, interpreting and communicating data and information to various stakeholders
  • Experience using ICT4D for data collection preferred
  • Significant experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative assessments and surveys
  • Previous experience in program management is desired.
  • Experience with facilitation, capacity strengthening and partnership building
  • Ability to transfer knowledge through formal and informal training
  • Knowledge of Global Fund strategies and regulations desired
  • Public relations skills and ability to work well both within a team and independently
  • Strong representational skills and ability to interface with multiple stakeholders, representatives, and partners (including representatives of government agencies) in a professional manner on an ongoing basis
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively under pressure and to prioritize competing demands
  • Strategic, analytical and decision-making skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Proficiency in database development/management and statistical software (SPSS, EPI-Info)
  • Professional proficiency in English oral and written communication skills; strong demonstrated writing skills required (reports, evaluations)
  • Willingness and ability to travel to field locations regularly and sometimes on short notice

How to Apply

 download application form here complete and submit here :


  • Title of the position and desired location must be stated as the subject of the email E.g. Position - Abuja.
  • Applications sent in the required format will be considered and only short listed candidates will be contacted.

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