The Chapel of Faith, FUTA an interdenominational Chapel where believers within and outside university community, together with students gather to worship with one faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
POSITION : Chaplain
Candidates applying for the position must possess the following:
In addition to the above, he must have a conviction that God is leading him to serve in the Chapel with evidence of his mission and vision for his service during the period of appointment.
How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit twelve (12) copies of their application and up- to-date Curriculum Vitae providing the following information in order as listed below:
Note: Candidates applying for this position are advised to request their referees to forward confidential reports on them directly to the Council Secretary. The application should be duly marked “CONFIDENTIAL”.
Send applications/Cvs/Cover Letters to :
The Council Secretary,
Chapel of Faith,
Obanla Campus,
Federal University of Technology,
Ondo State.
Tel: 08034339391, 08144515035, 08029073728
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