Recruitment at ActionAid Nigeria For Consultants - 6 slots

 Employment Nigeria 16-Dec-2017 AKWA IBOM , IMO , LAGOS , KADUNA , KANO , PLATEAU , NGO  

ActionAid Nigeria is an affiliate of ActionAid International, an International Non-Governmental organisation registered in The Netherlands with its headquarters in Johannesburg South Africa. ActionAid International works in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. ActionAid is recruiting qualified candidates to fill the position below:

POSITION : Consultant - 2018 Proposed Budget Review

The SCEEP Project

  • ActionAid Nigeria and BBC Media Action, with support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) is implementing the Strengthening Citizens’ Engagement in the Electoral Process (SCEEP) project from 2014 to 2018. The project, which is aimed at strengthening the electoral engagement of women, youth and persons with disability, is carried out in Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Lagos, Imo and Akwa Ibom of Nigeria. Some of the project intervention efforts are also executed at national level.
  • The project intends to reach 21,680,000 adult Nigerians through its intervention within the 4 years of implementation. It also plans to influence the changes listed below:  
    • Women, youth and persons living with disability participating and influencing electoral politics.
    • Target Audiences reporting increases in knowledge of democratic process, the political candidates and their policies.
    • Journalists being better trained and more confident in producing responsible political journalism and programmes.
    • Media Organisations creating opportunities for political debate, with increased participation from women, youth and people living with disabilities.
    • Nigerian electoral system being more inclusive of women, youth and persons living with disability.


  • One of the key pillars of the SCEEP project is to empower citizens with the right knowledge, information and skills to hold government accountable and participate more effectively in determining the outcome of governance processes. As part of this mandate, the project has done extensive work in the area of citizen’s mobilization and education with respect to elections.
  • The project has continuously built citizens knowledge on the workings of the government and how to engage those processes. Budgeting, planning, citizens monitoring of budget amongst others are areas where the project is interested.
  • Recognising the importance of budget for citizen’s participation and influencing governance outcomes, the project has undertaken capacity development for budget literacy and monitoring. Recognising that the capacity is not an end, advocacy and actions to influence the budget and its outcomes are a necessity for the best possible development outcomes for the citizens.
  • ActionAid under the SCEEP project intends to undertake an analysis of the 2018 budget proposals to provide citizens with the necessary information to carry out engagement with their legislatures and other avenues available to influence the 2018 appropriations act. This will promote accountability and participation in the process and by extension governance.
  • There is a direct correlation between the budget and the performance of public office holders and public institutions and ultimately influence the voting behaviour of citizens during elections.
  • While the project has undertaken extensive budget engagement at the state level, it is important to link these actions to the national level budgetary process. Providing the proposed analyses at the national level also broadens actions for accountability and delivery of public service. The product of the analysis will be made available to citizens in general and in particular to SCEEP communities to engage their representatives at the national level

In view of the above, SCEEP is seeking the services of seven (7) Consultants to undertake the analysis of the 2018 proposed budget. Each consultant will be expected to focus on any one of the following areas:

  • Social Investment Programme (SIP)
  • Advancement of women and girls’ rights
  • Development needs of young people
  • Support for Persons with Disability (PWDs)
  • Education
  • Health
  • Agriculture


  • To provide the needed information that will enable CSOs and citizens effectively engage with the 2018 nationwide budget discuss.
  • To work with, mobilise and support CSOs and citizens to effectively engage with the 2018 nationwide budget process
  • To provide in-depth analysis of the 2018 proposed budgets on Education, Health, Agriculture, Social Investment Programme (SIP)  and how it impacts Women’s Rights, Youth and support Persons with Disability (PWDs)
  • To provide in-depth analysis of the 2018 proposed budgets for the ministry of women and social development, youth development and how it responds to the development needs of Women, Young people and Persons with Disability (PWDs)

Budget Analysis of the 2018 proposed budgets to cover but not limited to:

  • Percentage of allocation from the total Federal Government budget from 2014 to 2018
  • Extent of Federal Government's adherence to International Commitment
  • Percentage of Recurrent and Capital Expenditure from the Proposed 2018 Budget of the Federal Government
  • Real Value of 2018 proposed Budget considering nominal value, deflator/inflation, shortfall, etc.
  • Allocation to critical sub-sectors of the Federal Ministries to be covered
  • Questionable Budget Items in the proposed 2018 Federal Budget

While the analysis will be carried out on the sectors mentioned above and how it impacts the SCEEP target groups, analysis will also be carried out on line ministries including the women affairs and social development, youth and how these are responding to the development needs of these groups. In view of these the deliverables are:

  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed  Women Affairs and Social Development budget clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly.
  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed Youth Ministry budget clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly.
  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed  Social Investment Programme (SIP) budget clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly.
  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed budget with focus on how it made provisions to support People Living with Disability (PWDs) clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly
  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed Education budget clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly.
  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed Health budget clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly.
  • Detailed comparative and trend analysis of the 2018 proposed  Agriculture budget clearly highlighting strengths and weaknesses and articulate recommendations for improvement before passage by the National Assembly

Timeline: The contract for each Consultant is for a period of ten (10) working days

Each Consultant (She/he) to be recruited should have the following experiences:

  • A Graduate of Economics, Statistics or any related field (Master's/Ph.D or Professor preferred)
  • At least 7 years experience  in and capacity for budget analysis (a report of such work done in the last 2 years is a required evidence)
  • Good understanding and practical experience of development work including advanced skills in Public Finance Analysis/Budget Analysis for area chosen and on issues of the Nigerian government budget processes
  • Excellent  facilitation and writing skills (keeping it simplified)
  • Computer literate and able to apply Microsoft Office and other analytical tools efficiently
  • An excellent team worker


  • ActionAid Nigeria will pay a rate of N50,000 daily.
  • Please note that ActionAid Nigeria will deduct and remit to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) a 5% Withholding Tax from the total consultancy fees in accordance with the Nigerian Tax Law.

Reporting Lines

  • Each Consultant will be expected to report to the Director of Programmes, and will work closely with the different thematic leads for technical oversight of the action required.

How To Apply
Candidates should submit their Expression of Interest (specifying Sector/Area) and Profile/CV's to: 

Sorry the application deadline for this job has elapsed

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