Employment Nigeria
Business Development
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is a non-profit agricultural research-for-development (R4D) organization, and a member of the CGIAR Consortium.
Position Responsibilities:
The Agricultural Economist will undertake the following activities:
• Design and lead cross-country impact studies for tracking the adoption, outcomes, and impacts of production technologies and related innovations.
• Assemble secondary data on experimental yields and related parameters for a range of technology options promoted by the project which are needed for measuring and attributing impacts on crop yields and incomes.
• Assess the extent, determinants, and pathways of adoption of improved technologies.
• Develop and apply innovative methods for quantifying the impacts of improved technologies on food security and poverty reduction.
• Undertake strategic/ex-ante economic analyses of technology options for better targeting and priority setting of project interventions in the target countries and beyond.
• Develop and operationalize a mechanism for regular sharing of research results and other critical feedback information with project management and partners involved in technology development and dissemination.
• Translate research findings into recommendations for policy action for greater technology adoption and impacts.
• Publish research findings in international peer reviewed journals.
• Contribute to capacity strengthening of national partners; and
• Participate actively in annual review and planning meetings and resource mobilization.
Qualification and Experience
The candidate should have a PhD in agricultural economics, economics, or development economics from a highly recognized university.
Core Competencies:
• Demonstrated experience with impact evaluation of agricultural technologies, market or sub-sector studies, or value chain analysis.
• Knowledge of innovation systems, innovation platforms, and social network mapping.
• Proficiency with econometric modeling methods and software (e.g. Stata).
• Knowledge of data collection tools and analytical methods for adoption and impact assessment as well as for value chain analysis.
• Demonstrated experience with large-scale technology adoption and impact surveys.
• A high degree of personal organization and ability to multi-task and work under pressure.
• Demonstrated ability to write and publish journal articles.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English (knowledge of French is an advantage); and
• Ability to work independently in a multidisciplinary and multi-cultural environment.
How to Apply:
Interested applicants should forward their applications with detailed curriculum vitae saved with their names in Microsoft word format. The application must include the names and e-mail addresses of three professional referees which must include either the Head of applicant’s current or previous organization or applicant’s direct Supervisor/Superior officer at work and evidence of current remuneration package to IITA website by clicking here to apply online.
We offer highly competitive salary with equally attractive fringe benefits and excellent working conditions in a pleasant campus environment.
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