The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is a non-profit agricultural research-for-development (R4D) organization, and a member of the CGIAR Consortium.
Background and Responsibilities
• Assist in establishing, managing field and screen house experiments on yam breeding and genetic both on and out-stations;
• Assist in preparing weekly plan for field workers;
• Assist in collection, organising and managing data entry from yam breeding experiments for statistical processing;
• Assist in managing, propagating, characterization and dissemination of improved yam Germplasm in response to requests;
• Assist in regular communication with clients and partners of the unit;
• Train students and relevant staff of partner agencies on yam breeding methodologies;
• Perform any other function as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Qualification and Experience
• ND in General Agriculture or related field with minimum of five (5) years’ relevant experience.
How to Apply:
Interested applicants should forward their applications with detailed curriculum vitae saved with their names in Microsoft word format. The application must include the names and e-mail addresses of three professional referees which must include either the Head of applicant’s current or previous organization or applicant’s direct Supervisor/Superior officer at work and evidence of current remuneration package to IITA website by clicking here to apply online.
We offer highly competitive salary with equally attractive fringe benefits and excellent working conditions in a pleasant campus environment.
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