New Job Vacancy at African Development Bank (AfDB)

 Employment Nigeria 24-Feb-2016 AFRICA , Banking and Finance  

African Development Bank (AfDB) established to strengthen dialogue between the Bank and the Government, is recruiting to fill the below position:

POSITION : Principal Evaluation officer, IDEV.1&2

Location: Cote d’Ivoire

The core mandate of the African Development Bank Group's Independent Development Evaluation Department (IDEV) is to conduct independent evaluation studies, provide relevant lessons, develop and harmonize standards and practices, support evaluation capacity development together with partner agencies and attest to the validity of both processes and the results of self-evaluation activities.

Further to the implementation of the Independent Evaluation Strategy 2013-2017, including a new structure for IDEV, the Project and Programme Evaluation Division (IDEV.1) has become the Private Sector and Infrastructure Evaluation Division. It implements all evaluations related to the Private Sector and Infrastructure interventions of the Bank.

The High Level Evaluations Division (IDEV.2) has become the Country, Regional and Corporate Evaluations Division. It implements all evaluations related to the interventions of the Bank through its country and regional strategies and programs, and in “soft” sectors such as human development and governance. It also implements institutional evaluations.

Duties and responsibilities
Under the general supervision of the Division Manager, IDEV1&2, the incumbent will:

Manage evaluations of the Bank's activities including projects, countries, sectors, or thematic and corporate priorities:
Design, conduct and report on evaluations in accordance with the Bank's Evaluation Policy and Manual and international evaluation standards (e.g., OECD DAC evaluation standards and the Evaluation Cooperation Group (ECG) Good Practice Standards). This includes:
Develop the scope and terms of reference.
Prepare an inception report. Develop (i) Theory of Change; (ii) the evaluation design (e.g., randomized, quasi-experimental, non-experimental) including limitations; (iii) economic, social and statistical methodologies and approaches; (iv) clearly identify methodological limitations and how they will be addressed; (v) the analytical framework; and (vi) test data collection tools.
Carry out data collection and code data against coding schemes in accordance with the evaluation inception report.
Analyse findings of evaluations in terms of approach used, political sensitivity, strategic focus, economic and social implications in accordance with the analytical framework.
Report on evaluation results - develop the performance story based on the analysis of evaluation findings. Author evaluation reports that are concise, clearly written, balanced, evidence-based and timely. Ensure that they address the evaluation objectives and questions outlined in the inception report. Make recommendations to the Bank's Board and senior management on changes to the Bank's policies, programs and projects, based on evaluations that have been approved by IDEV management. 
Establish an effective quality management process including preparing terms of reference for internal and external peer-review.
Provide regular written progress reports to IDEV management.
Communicate the IDEV's evaluation mandate and approach to Bank managers and staff at the outset of the evaluation and seek their engagement throughout the evaluation process (through the establishment of a Reference Group with a clear mandate). Obtain their feedback on the inception report and draft evaluation reports, and provide clarifications on evaluation recommendations for the preparation of the management response.
During the evaluation process, consult widely and engage regularly with Bank’s Management and staff both at headquarter and field office levels.
Identify any improvements to the evaluation process that IDEV may consider for future evaluations as part of its learning and communicate these lessons to IDEV management and staff.

Manage human and financial resources of a multi-disciplinary evaluation team to ensure the delivery of evaluations that are conducted in an independent, cost-effective, rigorous and timely manner:

Supervise staff and consultants, manage project budgets, monitor and report on the use of resources ensuring that evaluations are conducted in a cost-effective and timely manner as per the standards instituted by IDEV management.
Manage multidisciplinary project teams composed of internal staff and/or external resources involved in the conduct of evaluation studies.
Develop and monitor work plans, project schedules and, project budgets.
Select, provide clear guidance and supervise the work of both staff and consultants in order to deliver high-quality and timely evaluation products that meet the Bank's Evaluation Policy and manual and international evaluation standards (e.g., OECD DAC evaluation standards; ECG Good Practice Standards.
Convey clear priorities, expectations, milestones to team members and assign work based on the strengths of the team members. Monitor progress and provide useful feedback. Manage poor performance effectively. Guide team members in overcoming constraints to delivering quality products on time and within budget.
Make timely decisions, sometimes with incomplete information and under tight deadlines and pressure to ensure the effective management of evaluation projects.

Promote the mandate of the evaluation function and contribute to the creation of an evaluation culture in the Bank and in Regional Member Countries (RMCs):

Promote the use of evaluation as an effective accountability and learning tool in the Bank and RMCs.
Support evaluation capacity development initiatives within the Bank and in RMCs.  Develop and implement effective capacity development strategies.  Prepare and deliver evaluation training and offer opportunities to apply the training.
Ensure effective and appropriate communication of evaluation findings, lessons, conclusions and recommendations to the relevant stakeholders.
Develop innovative communication tools (briefs, highlights sheets, tip sheets etc.) that are targeted to different audiences (e.g., policy-makers) and select appropriate communication channels (social media, web sites, conferences etc.) to optimize the use of evaluation findings.
Review, analyse and provide comments on documents prepared by Country and Sector Departments and other Units of the Bank to ensure that lessons of experience are duly incorporated in the design of Bank Group policies and operations.
Represent IDEV1 in relevant fora within and outside the Bank to ensure that independent and credible evaluative information and lessons of experience inform the planning, design and implementation of Bank interventions.
Organize meetings, workshops and other discussion fora to establish dialogue on evaluation results.
Prepare oral or written answers to enquiries about IDEV’s evaluation work.
Represent IDEV1 in relevant conferences, workshops, seminars etc. within the Bank and elsewhere, seeking to ensure that evaluation perspectives and results are given due consideration.

Support, management and contribute to positioning IDEV as an innovator and leading-edge among other multilateral institutions and to maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Bank's Evaluation Function:

Provide technical advice on evaluation methodology and evaluation products to other IDEV staff. Review evaluation products delivered by other IDEV staff in line with the Bank's Evaluation Policy, OECD DAC evaluation quality standards and ECG Good Practice Standards.  Ensure that the planning documentation and subsequent evaluation products are sound in their design and that their application will yield valid and reliable evidence suitable to support the Bank's decision-making.
Add value to IDEV's work by providing constructive challenges of methodology, findings and, conclusions
Contribute to the identification of priorities for evaluation in their respective area of expertise and to the development of the work program
Contribute to the development state-of-the-art methodologies, approaches and tools to be used in evaluations that assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the Bank's activities in projects, countries, sectors and, thematic and corporate priorities.
Keeps abreast of new international trends and developments in the evaluation profession and in the area of international development. Share these with team members and colleagues.

Contribute to building strategic alliances and partnerships with key stakeholders within and outside the Bank to further the Evaluation Function's mandate:

Engage in evaluation communities of practice within and outside the Bank.  Provide substantive input to these communities and share lessons of experience.
Contribute to building and maintaining strategic partnerships with counterparts in other international institutions to ensure effective collaboration on joint initiatives and to identify good practices and learn from the experience of other organizations.
Represent IDEV1 and the Bank at a variety of committees, meetings and working groups both within the Bank and internationally.
Manage relationships related to the evaluation function with Bank staff and other international partners.

Selection Criteria
Including desirable Skills, Knowledge and Experience:

A minimum of a Master's degree with specialization in Economics, Sociology, Statistics or Public Administration.
A minimum of six (6) years' experience in contributing to designing, conducting and reporting evaluations of Bank’s interventions including projects, countries or sectors. In a timely manner and in accordance with international evaluation standards (e.g., OECD DAC quality standards and ECG Good Practice Standards).
Experience in writing evaluation and/or research reports.
Experience using relevant computer software for data analysis purposes and using Bank standard software (Excel, Word and PowerPoint).
Experience in providing strategic advice to management.
Facilitation experience in multi-cultural or multi-sector setting.
Knowledge of the Bank's mandate, strategic priorities, policies and operations.
Knowledge of evaluation theory, frameworks, process, methodology:
Bank's Evaluation Policy and manual; OECD DAC Evaluation Standards, ECG Good Practice Standards.
Different types of evaluations
Evaluation design.
Quantitative and qualitative methods.
Knowledge of developments and trends in international development.
Ability to manage projects, to manage project teams and to provide expert advice to project teams
Ability to operate under pressure and adapt to changing priorities
Good interpersonal, supervisory, communication and analytical skills. Demonstrated writing skills and attention to detail.
Ability to communicate effectively in English or French with a good working knowledge of the other language.

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